What is the salary of a nurse in Switzerland?

We have noticed lately, that a lot of French nurses choose to work in Switzerland. But nobody really understands the reasons for this choice! Is it a better salary? Better living conditions? Or simply to change course? In this article, we will focus on the salaries of nurses in Switzerland, to try to understand what really pushes these health professionals to choose Switzerland.
Salaries of nurses in Switzerland
It is important to point out that nursing is one of the most important jobs in Switzerland. most advantageous in Switzerland. Indeed, with a net monthly salary ranging from 3,000 to 3,400 euros, nurses are quite satisfied. This is quite logical, since if we compare it with the French salary of 1,500 euros per month, we will quickly see that in Switzerland, it is actually the double of the salary which is proposed.
We would like to point out that the above-mentioned salaries are for beginnerswhich means that it is the people at the beginning of their career who are collecting these figures. It is also good to know that the required work hours for each nurse are 42 hours per week.
The salary of a liberal nurse in Switzerland
Some nurses have chosen to work on their own in Switzerland because of the various advantages that this country offers them, including the salary, which is on average 6,500 Swiss francs per month. This salary represents about 6,000 euros. But you should know that to practice as much as a liberal nurse in Switzerland, there are certain requirements which are :
- Have a proven experience in a health organization of more than 2 years ;
- hold a degree recognized in Switzerland;
- get information from specialized organizations;
- apply for a permit from the local health department.
Even if we are not asking for the sea to drink to allow a French nurse, to exercise his liberal function in Switzerland, there are still mandatory formalities, which they must imperatively fulfill. This is why it is important to go to Switzerland to get information and to study the conditions to obtain a Swiss work permit. It is important to know that there are not many private nurses in Switzerland, because of their health system, which has given the monopoly to what is called “cantonal organizations”, which are responsible for managing all home care.
What characterizes the nursing profession in Switzerland
Hospitals in Switzerland are made up of teams, when each patient comes in, a team takes care of him and this team is made up of several professionals in the field, namely; a doctor’s assistant, an orderly, a care assistant, as well as a nurse with experience, who will still a big role.
To enable each nurse to perform his or her job to the best of his or her ability, the nurse is required to attend to 3 to 6 persons per day, which gives them time to breathe and do quality work. Knowing that for the same hours in France a nurse takes care of more than 12 people per day.
In Switzerland, everyone is obliged to respect the working hours, but also the hours of outings and breaks, so no outbursts are tolerated outside working hours.
The care assistants who lend a hand to the nurses practicing in Switzerland, do not exist in France, that is why it remains a great advantage for these people practicing there.
Knowing that there are about 59,833 nurses practicing in Switzerland, it is important to know that most of them come from elsewhere: France, Belgium, Quebec, Spain …, and this is mainly due to the different living conditions, which they enjoy. The latest statistics show that nurses working in Switzerland come from :
- Switzerland at 28.5 % ;
- France at 60.3%;
- other countries at 10.2 %.
From this we can see that the majority of nurses in Switzerland are in majority French.
Finally, thanks to this article, you now have a general idea of the conditions of working as a nurse in Switzerland, and the different salaries. From there, we can better understand the decision of some French nurses to work in Switzerland.
All about medical equipment for nurses
When you are a private nurse, you know that you must always have your equipment in order to perform patient care. As a private nurse, it is not uncommon for you to travel many miles every day. So, to avoid wasting time and to be able to perform the different interventions in the patients’ homes, you must have the medical equipment with you. If you wish to discover more precisely the essential equipment to carry out your rounds of care, then you can continue your reading to know more about this subject.
The essential equipment for a nurse
When you go to treat your patients, you can have a case that will follow you in each of your visits. Thus, you will be able to put inside all the necessary material to take care of your patients. Moreover, you can find nursing equipment on realme.fr. You will then have the embarrassment of the choice to equip you. When you are on the move, it is always important to bring enough compresses, bandages, or disinfectants, but that is not all. Indeed, you can also bring gloves when the situation requires it, but also a blood pressure monitor. You can then take your patients’ blood pressure during your visit to make sure that everything is normal. In addition, you may want to bring a stethoscope to listen to your patients’ heart and breathing. In addition, if you have to give injections, it is also essential to have with you syringes of different sizes, but also a tourniquet to see the veins and prick in the right place. If you have all your equipment with you, you will be able to carry out all your visits without any unpleasant surprises.
Find medical equipment
As a private nurse, you know how essential it is to have the right equipment in your daily life to provide care in the best conditions. Therefore, you have to order equipment regularly and this can have a significant cost on your budget. To avoid this kind of problem, you can order on websites specialized in medical equipment. Indeed, you will be able to benefit from attractive prices and you will be able to take advantage of a large choice of products to carry out the various missions on a daily basis. When you go on a visit, don’t forget your nurse’s card so that you can park safely.
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