Global News

Is Guadeloupe part of the West Indies?

By Sammy Byron , on November 3, 2022 - 1 minute to read
Est-ce que la Guadeloupe fait partie des Antilles ?

Guadeloupe is a French overseas territory located in the Lesser Antilles, an archipelago in the Caribbean Sea. Although the island is geographically part of the Antilles, it is politically and culturally associated with France but not a member of Europe. Guadeloupe is a popular tourist destination, known for its white sand beaches, clear turquoise waters and lush tropical vegetation. The island is also home to several volcanoes, including the active volcano La Soufrière. Guadeloupe’s proximity to North and South America makes it an ideal gateway to the Caribbean region. For these reasons, Guadeloupe is often considered part of the Caribbean, even though it is technically located in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Sammy Byron

After studying as a specialist in investigative journalism across Europe, I decided to start writing for my own community of Internet users. You can also find my most accurate studies and analyses on the latest trends in the United States. If you are interested in an analysis or a study in collaboration with our Experts, do not hesitate to use the dedicated contact form.


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