
An essential guide to building a henhouse: rules and tips that can’t be ignored

By Sammy Byron , on August 18, 2024 - 4 minutes to read
découvrez notre guide essentiel pour l'installation d'un poulailler. suivez nos règles et conseils incontournables pour garantir le bien-être de vos poules et optimiser votre espace. que vous soyez débutant ou passionné d'élevage, trouvez toutes les recommandations nécessaires pour réussir votre projet.


  • Location Choose a well-drained, sunny site.
  • Chicken coop size At least 1 m² per hen.
  • Materials Use durable, easy-to-clean materials.
  • Ventilation Ensure good air circulation to avoid humidity.
  • Protection Secure against predators with solid fencing.
  • Food and water Install accessible drinking and feeding troughs.
  • Cleanliness Establish a regular cleaning schedule.
  • Integration Introduce new hens gradually.
  • Compliance with regulations Check local laws concerning chicken farming.
discover our essential guide to setting up a hen house, full of rules and essential advice to guarantee the well-being of your hens and the success of your project. learn how to choose the ideal location, the appropriate materials and practical tips for a functional and pleasant hen house.

If you dream of enjoying fresh eggs and laughter as you watch your hens frolic in the garden, this article is for you! Installing a chicken coop can seem like a real headache, but don’t panic! In this guide, we’ll be revealing the golden rules and essential tips for creating the ideal living space for your birds. Get ready to plunge into the fascinating world of chicken keeping, where pain and pleasure go hand in hand, while making sure your feathers have all the comfort they deserve. So put on your gloves and let’s go!

Regulatory requirements for hen houses

discover our essential guide to installing a hen house. follow the essential rules and advice to ensure a healthy and suitable habitat for your hens. learn how to choose the ideal location, comply with legislation and optimize the well-being of your animals.

Having a henhouse in your garden is an attractive project, but it does require certain rules to be followed. It’s a good idea to check with your local council to find out what the local regulations are on poultry farming. Depending on your area (urban or rural), restrictions may vary.

Here’s an overview of the procedures involved in a dedicated area:

  • Less than 5 m² No declaration required, small mobile hen houses are ideal.
  • Between 5 and 20 m² A prior declaration must be made using a CERFA form.
  • More than 20 m² A building permit is required, with a complete file.

Choosing the ideal location for your henhouse

discover our essential guide to setting up a henhouse, where you'll find essential rules and advice to ensure the success of your breeding project. learn the best practices for choosing the location, construction and maintenance of your henhouse to ensure the well-being of your poultry.

Location plays a crucial role in the well-being of your chickens and the peace and quiet of your neighbors. It is advisable to place the coop as far away from dwellings as possible.

To ensure a pleasant environment:

  • Choose a clay floor.
  • Create a grassy outdoor area.
  • Exposure to theeast or south-east is preferable.

Necessary elements for a functional henhouse

To ensure the comfort of your chickens, the henhouse must have :

  • A nesting box with appropriate litter.
  • From perches placed at an appropriate height.
  • A feeder and a water trough.

Maintenance and hygiene: the keys to success

Maintaining a impeccable hygiene is essential to avoid parasites. Regular cleaning and the use of recycled materials are highly recommended.

Here are a few maintenance tips:

  • Weekly litter box cleaning.
  • Place the drinking trough outside to limit humidity.
  • Provide a varied, nutrient-rich diet.
Hen house surface area Legal requirement
Less than 5 m² No declaration required
5 to 20 sq.m. Prior declaration required
More than 20 m² Planning permission required
Commercial breeding (more than 50 hens) Mandatory declaration
Habitat away from dwellings Recommendations to avoid conflicts
Protection against predators Minimum fence height 2 m
  • Check local regulations before installing your chicken coop
  • Identify a strategic location for the hens’ well-being
  • Provide the necessary equipment for a functional shelter
  • Ensure regular maintenance to maintain hygiene


What size hen house should I choose for three hens? A 5 m² shelter is sufficient and comfortable for three hens.

How can I protect my hens from predators? Install a fence at least 2 m high around the henhouse.

What’s the best location for a chicken coop? Choose an area with an eastern or south-eastern exposure, away from dwellings.

What materials should be used to build the henhouse? Choose materials that are durable and, if possible, recycled for the environment.

What are the best feeding practices for chickens? Offer them a mix of cereals, vitamins and food scraps.

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Sammy Byron

After studying as a specialist in investigative journalism across Europe, I decided to start writing for my own community of Internet users. You can also find my most accurate studies and analyses on the latest trends in the United States. If you are interested in an analysis or a study in collaboration with our Experts, do not hesitate to use the dedicated contact form.


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