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Is cbd effective against epileptic seizures ?
Development of the cannabis plant is becoming more and more popular. However, it remains above all a drug which presents harmful effects for the health of its consumer on the long term. For this reason, the pharmaceutical industry has created what is called cannabidiol (CBD), a derivative of the plant that does not have its notorious effects, because the THC level is low. CBD can be very effective against epileptic seizures. In this article, we will see the benefits it can have for people prone to epileptic seizures. What is CBD? The definition of CBD is relatively simple, as it is the oil extracted from a variety of hemp called sativa, which contains, just like classic cannabis, an active ingredient called THC, but in very low doses. Indeed, the effects felt when consuming CBD are different from those of cannabis. A consumer of classic cannabis will often feel the following effects: A feeling of high ; A disappearance of stress ; An uneven feeling of…